A two tier birthday cake featuring Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy and the Tombliboos…..
Another quick post today as I’ve had a busy weekend which included a buttercream disaster, but I’ll tell you about that in another post!
This week I wanted to show you the first birthday cake I made for a friends niece. I didn’t bake the cake, I just put them together and decorated them. Unfortunately, this was back when we were having the heatwave which definitely didn’t help. I had the fans set up just to cool the cake as the icing was sweating. I used a variety of different fondants and the brown one was chocolate flavour…this one definitely didn’t like the heat in the kitchen!!
So when Julie came to collect the cake I also gave her my edible glue just in case….and it was needed!! But I think it held together long enough for the birthday girl to blow the candles out!
This was actually the first time I have covered a round cake with fondant icing so I was quite pleased with how it went. Spread the cake with butter cream and then gently place the fondant icing over the top. Try to smooth upwards as when you smooth downwards you drag the icing down and run the risk of breaking it. Putting ribbon around the edges covers the rough edges and mistakes – secure with a pin.
To see how to tier the cakes take a look at my wedding cake post.
I started taking photos along the way of making Iggle piggle and Upsy Daisy (the things you learn while baking cakes for kids!!) but it took longer than I expected so these were the only ones I did. The Tombliboos were very simple though so hopefully you can see how I did it from the photo…I think I made their noses too big!
I used things to prop the pieces up while the edible glue dried and then left them overnight before putting them on the cake. So you can make the figures in advance.
I don’t have any expensive tools to make these figures – just a cheap set of tools like these. They are perfectly fine for a job like this.
Yes – my name is Igglepiggle,
Igglepiggle, niggle, wiggle, diggle!
Yes – my name is Igglepiggle,
Igglepiggle, wiggle, niggle, woo!
Upsy Daisy here I come,
I’m the only Upsy one!
I’m the only Daisy too,
Ipsy, Upsy, Daisy Doo
I hope this gives you the inspiration you need to make your own In the Night Garden cake! If you have any questions on how I did anything just ask!
This was an amazingtutorial .I have been trying to work out how to make these characters and you have covered this aspect brilliantly. Now I will beable to try to copy what you have done. Thank you
I hope it went well! x